A brand new promotional event has arrived. And with it a brand new wave of items. Or a single wave of one item. This item it's another movie that reminds me of the good ol' days.
There once was a movie called 'Finding Nemo' about a dad clown fish who teamed up with a blue fish to find his son (not really a spoiler, if you ever went on the internet you'd probably know by now) and now there will be a movie about (at least that's what the trailer suggests) a blue fish that is teamed up with two clown fish and tries to find her family. Everybody I introduce to you: Finding Dory!
Dory Headphones
With these seashell headphones from the seashore you can hear the ocean AND awesome tunes. Be sure to see Finding Dory in theatres June 17 in 3D

The first and only item that came out for the event are the Dory Headphones which are Free, like all the other promotional items. And already on the first day these freebie headphones ranked up 156k+ sales. Basically a lot. People really want this movie to come out. Now the headphones themselves are pretty average. Nice blue, cool picture of Dory, advertisement logo and release date on the other side... I think that if Dory was on both white sea shells it would have looked better though, but maybe it's just me. Although, the sea shells aren't really the best looking ones to begin with. But that doesn't really matter that much, You're just supposed to know what they are and I think it's clear enough. These headphones are also a lot like the Angry Birds' Headphones. As in they leave so much space between your head and the actual headphones that you can fit a baseball cap in there. Although this time the headphone band is more square.
Summed up: Dory Headphones
Price: Free
Sales: 156,355 +
This seems like a great opportunity for more items and judging from the leaks on RBXLeaks' twitter there is a lot more planned. Maybe since there already is a promotional event going on (Angry Birds) there aren't releasing all of them. Hopefully they'll release more items in June (I noticed a pattern that Roblox has an event every month) and this time maybe have some of the item as game prizes???