May happened to be the first and only month in 2016 that happens to have Friday fall on the 13. Yea, that's right. The Spooky Friday the 13!
And for this occasion Roblox decided to celebrate with 10 brand new items. Most of them having something to do with a luck theme and two that are extremely hard to figure out what theme they are under (we're looking (no pun intended) at you Eyefly: Neon Green Shutter Shades). Well anyway click the 'Read More' button to read the reviews of the items that came out this weekend.
13 Cap

Summed up: 13 Cap
Price: Free
Timer: 1 day and 8 hours
Sales: 273,159
Unlucky Launcher
The second item to come out for the weekend was also the first gear. The Unlucky Launcher (launcher or gun same thing) looks pretty cool and does some pretty cool stuff (it doesn't inflict damage though) but is sadly overpriced by at least 200 Robux. The Unlucky Launcher is priced at... (wait for it) 1,313 Robux. That is the same price as the Friday 13 Top Hat but there is a reason why that hat has low sales. Now to put the price into perspective, this gear is more expensive than all the Ropeds, all of the motorcycles, a grappling hook, a Rainbow Magic Carpet, guns that actually do damage, and a lot of limiteds that when they get projected can actually make you some money. But besides that point this gear is sweet. It's a troll gear that shoots stuff to make people trip and sometimes maybe even fall off the edgde and die. It's rare but this gear can kill someone (trust me, 1 hour of Catalog Heaven with this thing has taught me well).
Summed up: Unlucky Launcher
Price: R$ 1,313
Sales: 30+
Friday the 13th Top Hat
The next item came out 20 minutes later in the form of a hat. Which hat? Well the Friday the 13th Top Hat of course. And why is it an of course? That is because this hat has sort of become like the Classic ROBLOX Pumpkin Head. Instead of releasing on every Halloween though, this hat releases on every Friday the 13. And every time it's on sale for 13 hours and costs 1,313 Robux. And that is a lot for a top hat. Considering that most top hats go for under 1,000. Heck, most top hats cost less than 500 even. So you can see why this isn't so popular. Especially since it comes out every Friday 13. Therefore, if you wanted it you probably would have gotten it already. But guess what? If you did miss it but you still want it then the next time you will be able to get it again is in January 2017, the description says so. Don't worry, with this hat there is always a next time. But in all honesty though it's a nice simplistic top hat that is tall and fits all packages well. The 13 is spot on. The problem though is that it's overpriced and that Roblox just released a cheaper version this weekend.
Summed up: Friday the 13th Top Hat
Price: R$ 1,313
Timer: 13 hours
Sales: 1,247 (78 this week)
Unlucky Top Hat
Minutes after Roblox released the expensive Friday the 13th Top Hat came the much cheaper Unlucky Top Hat. While the Friday 13th Top Hat cost 1,313 Robux, the Unlucky Top Hat costs only 444 Robux. This means the new Top hat costs less than half than the original one while looking just as good. Although I have to admit, I miss the bright accent on the original one. The new Top Hat though, makes up for this in extra bad luck thrown into it. And by that I mean more attention to detail. Included with the top hat is a pair of two black dice, a broken mirror, and an Ace of Spades. Really nice touches. In fact the only thing that I can complain about is the weird step like dent on the top of the hat and that the mirror doesn't fit in well. The mirror sits very awkwardly and is a bit too large but these are minor things. The attention to detail of the other two bad luck charms make up for it.
Summed up: Unlucky Top Hat
Price: R$ 444
Sales: 775+
Ladder on Your Head
It was the first day of the weekend but Roblox didn't want to
stop releasing hats. First day and already 3 brand new items. Well what did Roblox do next? They released another brand new hat! This time around it was the Ladder on Your Head hat which was basically a ladder on top of your character's shoulders and your character's head happens to be in between the two supports. Close enough, I guess. Now this hat idea should've never worked. It's super weird and there is almost no good hat combos with it but something about is just so right... and random. For 250 Robux it was no bargain but it wasn't a Sparkle Time Fedora (my point here is that it wasn't too expensive) either. It was also on a two day timer so you had to quickly decide whether you love it or despise it. Me? I bought it. Also a note for future map builders. I found your perfect ladder mesh. Hint, it's this one.
Summed up: Ladder on Your Head
Price: R$ 250
Timer: 2 days
Sales: 2,549
Bad Luck Sword
Further continuing the first day item releases was the second
and final gear of the weekend. Unlike the first gear this one was a bargain! And also unlike the first one this gear can do damage! The Bad Luck Sword was super cheap costing only 113 Robux but was only available for 13 hours. This isn't an OP sword but it works well. It can do damage varying from 7-17 and there are rare chances of poisoning people. Now I couldn't poison my AI but from the code of the sword (keep in mind that I'm no scripting expert) one of the poisons turns the enemy into a skeleton??? And poisons have different colors... Anyway apart from my terrible scripting reading this sword appears to hit all the right places in terms of appearance. I believe it is based off of Khopesh Sword. Khopesh is an Egyptian sword that basically makes you automatically ten times cooler. Now throw in some bad luck references and ta-da! You got yourself one sweet looking sword.
Summed up: Bad Luck Sword
Price: R$ 113
Timer: 13 hours
Sales: 1,999
Lucky Ladybug Scarf
After the first day happened to bring only unlucky stuff Roblox decided to take a break and shine some luck on the community. The first to do so was the Lucky Ladybug Scarf which was also released in many time zones in the middle of the night. Those who stayed up late could be the first to purchase this for the low price of 35 Robux. And I think this is well worth the money. This scarf finds the perfect middle ground between being too thick and too skinny. It is also a tiny bit boxy but that just adds some charm to it. The ladybug though, looks a little squashed and broken but that's a minor problem. I would totally buy this but polka dots aren't really my thing. And besides, who needs a scarf in spring anyway?
Summed up: Lucky Ladybug Scarf
Price: R$ 35
Sales: 2,635+
Eyefly: Neon Green Shutter Shades
The second item of the second day was also the first to be
non-luck related. The Eyefly: Neon Green Shutter Shades was confusing on so
many levels and to so many people. Some examples included: Why is it called
Eyefly? Why is it a giant shutter shade (singular)? Why is it 250 Robux? Well,
let me explain everything that I can here (that means that I can’t explain why
it’s called Eyefly and why it’s 250 robux, it just is ok). This is a hat that
nobody expected. It's even more random than a ladder because it follows no
theme whatsoever. This hat is just a Shutter Shade for the giant eye series. I
counted and that means this hat is good for wearing with only 9 other hats
(Overseer's Eye, Sapphire Eye, Ruby Eye, Emerald Eye, Ochre Eye, Violet Eye,
Pink Eye, Golden Eye, Tiger's Eye Eye). Well you can wear the shades without
the eyes put that is pretty pointless unless you wanna look really weird. 'Cuz
these shades aren't messing around they are huge! However, when you actually do
put on the eye and eyefly combo you will look pretty awesome. But that's the
only situation when they are useful in. So yea, if you don't have a Giant Eye
then don't bother.
Summed up: Eyefly: Neon Green Shutter Shades
Price: R$ 250
Sales: 835+
Good Luck Charm Necklace
Keeping up with the second day luck theme came this hat. The Good Luck Charm Necklace doesn't just stop at one charm. It has three charms to balance the 6 items that could have possibly cursed you with bad luck yesterday. As necklaces go this one is at a reasonable price. At 75 Robux there's only a few out there who are cheaper since most necklaces go for 100+. However that doesn't convince me. A lot of the necklaces don't go well with any package besides the default one and this isn't an exception. The necklaces are small to begin with but with a lot packages they happen to go inside your chest just because most packages have the chest more forward. If you're not wearing the default package then you pay 75 for a gold string with two pearls on it... Choose your options wisely.
Summed up: Good Luck Charm Necklace
Price: R$ 75
Sales: 1,665+
Golden Lucky Warrior Helm
The third day was the helmet day. Two brand new helmets were
released in the catalog. The first hat was this Golden Lucky Warrior Helm. It was also the last item to have any sort of connection with luck. Because Gold means Lucky now. However, don't get me wrong, I love the Golden texture because you can really see the effort put into it. IT LOOKS AMAZING! The horns are also EXTREMELY epic! It costs only 500 Robux and that's a bargain for this kind of epicness. I would've bought this automatically if not for one small catch... It basically fits with no faces. There are holes for the eyes but they are too far up. So faces only have the top corner of its eyes showing. The closest pair of eyes I could find were part of the Super Happy Joy faces. And also if you look on the back the shadow parts slowly start to drift away from their positions under the spikes. Tiny errors but made the hat instantly less cool. If a face comes out that supports this hat though, you know I'll first to be buy both.
Summed up: Golden Lucky Warrior Helm
Price: R$ 500
Sales: 180+
Metal Feathers of Fate
The last hat of the weekend happened to be the first and only
limited. The Metal Feathers of Fate were priced at 150 Robux and had 1,500 in stock. This was also the first limited in over two weeks. They community reacted (trust me I'm not gonna get sued) to this but raising the price to steady 400 on the first day (130 Robux profit) and then to 850 on the second day (445 Robux profit). And I assure that profit will help you a lot in the upcoming Memorial Day Sale. Appearance wise I don't really like the hat. The back makes it seem too tall and overall looks a tad bit too elaborate to be a battle helm. But hey, I don't really know my battle helms so who am I to judge? If I missed this limited and want it though I would wait since all limiteds lower after a while unless they are faces. And remember there is always Memorial Day.
Summed up: Metal Feathers of Fate
Price: R$ 150
Stock: 1,500
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