Thursday, May 26, 2016

Mid-week Update: 5/25

There were a couple things that I forgot to mention in my Pre Memorial Day Weekend article but that didn't seem to fit in with the article so I didn't update it. However there were a couple new things that during the week and now it makes sense to write an article summing up all the minor and not so minor changes that have happened in the catalog.

Package Updates:

First off, we have the update of every single package out there on the catalog. Roblox is getting closer and closer to using its R15 character idea and this might just be the next step in disguise. Or just a random update... Unless you work for Roblox you can't really tell why this huge update happened.

Two random items were updated:

The Rainbow Hot Air Balloon (which is an advertising item for Cocoa Pebbles) and the Tabby Egg. I have no clue as to why the gear and hat were updated (neither of them have a new mesh or texture). Maybe the Balloon got a different controller borrowed from one of Roblox's other RC Gears (it's an RC balloon)? But I have no clue as to why the egg was updated. Another possibility is a description updates. But whatever the case is there is now two more wonders of the world...

Two faces got a HD overhaul:

Two classic faces just got a brand new HD overhaul: Frightening Unibrow (800 Robux) and Existential Angst (5,000 Robux). Now they are less pixelated and a lot clearer. We are one step closer to a newer and better Robloxia of the future.

Venus Fly Trap Updated:

While a lot of hats and gears were going on timers to go off sale a couple of them glitched out. Winter Frozen Ice Crown and Mysterious Wanderer were updated but didn't get the timer treatment until a couple minutes/days past. One item that got updated during that item but didn't get a timer was the Venus Fly Trap. There doesn't seem to be any updates actually made so possibly it was one of the glitched timers and then Roblox decided to just keep it on sale instead of updating it again and putting a timer on it.

Mysterious Wanderer put on timer:

Remember how I mentioned that Mysterious Wanderer was updated but not put on a timer until much later? Well on Tuesday the Mysterious Wanderer was put on a 1 minute timer. Those who bought it at the last minute (literally) paid 125 Robux. The aftermath results in 6,287 of these bad boys sold. Not that common but not rare either.

Razor Promotion Ends:

One of the last things that happened this week are the Jetts Heel Wheels going off sale, never to be bought again. This gear was first available from clicking on an advertisement link that brought you to the nearest Walmart that sold the real version of these. Then you could have obtained this for Free from the catalog. It was also a rental item. Which means that after a while (in this case after two weeks) you can't use the item or wear it. This is the first time I've seen rentals in a long time. Roblox used to still actively use them two years ago.

Attachment Objects:

The last thing to happen was also one of the coolest. Roblox is approaching R15 closer and closer. This time we got a brand new sneak peek at how items were to be positioned. I'm really bad at explaining so I'll let the Roblox Blog explain it to you better to you then me. Basically though this feature always for hats to better stay in their positions on your avatar. The first item to have this feature are the Steampunk Wings of Mechanical Destiny which explains why they were updated so much in the past month.
